Halliday Functional Grammar

A man once said:

"Traditionally, grammar has always been a grammar of written language: and it has always been a product grammar. A process/product distinction is a relevant one for linguists because it corresponds to that between our experience of speech and our experience of writing: writing exists whereas speech happens."

  • Halliday (1985, p.xxiii) cited in: David Brazil (1995) A Grammar of Speech. p.10

2 Mar 2014

Reflection Episode I

Reflect on your experience in the BENL courses that you’ve taken.
One of the courses that we find interesting is Phonetics and Phonology. This is because this course really exposed us to something new because before this we were unaware about the important things like place of articulation, types of vowel and consonance and so on. This course also helps us improve our speaking skill in the aspect of pronunciation because throughout the course, we learned the correct way of pronouncing English words. 
This vocal tract is how we produce sound to speak.

We learned about phonetic alphabet and how to pronounce it properly.

Think of the assignments which required you to apply the computer to assist in their completion.

In Phonetics and Phonology assignment, the lecturer told us to use software called Silipa because it can help us in identifying the place of articulation and the pronunciation of every symbol in the IPA chart. Other than that, in the process of completing our research proposal for Research Methodology class, we also used computer to access IIUM Database to find journal article as a reference for our research proposal.

Relate the applications to the 3 stages of CALL & name the key concepts associated to the assignments.
The application used in Phonetics and Phonology class falls under the first stage of CALL which is Behaviorist. This is because this application provides tons of exercises that can be used by the student in order to increase their level of understanding towards this subject (pattern drills and audio-lingual teaching). On the other hand, in Research Methodology class, the computer acts as a provider of information as well as the tool to be used in order to complete the given assignment. Thus, we can say that the application used in Research Methodology class is related to the third stage of CALL, Integrative because at this stage, computer provide alternative contexts for social interactions; to facilitate access to existing discourse communities (IIUM database) and the creation of new ones (Microsoft Word, Power Point, etcetera). 

What do you think, is there any 'right' way to pronounce words?

Overview of CALL

Computer Assisted in Language Learning

Brief history of CALL

  1. The use of computer in language learning (CALL) has undergone several stages of educational theoretical cycle.
  2.  First introduced in 1960, CALL emphasized behaviorist learning model. The computer was treated as a mechanical tutor. 
  3.   They were designed under the influence of behaviourism which was proposed by Skinner (1957).  
  4.  Behaviorists work on the assumption that learners are passive.  According to them, learners learn new information in response to a properly structured environment. 
  5.  Structuralists such as Bloomingfield, Fries and Lado construed language learning (LL) as a form of habit. This came in the form of dialogues and pattern drills, grammar translation, audio-lingual teaching, in order for learners to produce automatic, correct response to linguistic stimuli.
    Computer is used for language
     learning purposes.
  6. Even speaking, reading and writing emphasized the linguistic product rather than on processes.
  7. A mainframe computer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, namely PLATO, was the best known tutorial system at that time. It features repetitive drills, grammatical explanations and translation tests at various intervals.
  8. Later came the cognitive approach in the 70’s and 80’s and thus the label “communicative CALL” came about. The personal computer came about in the late 1970’s. This appeared about the same time as the rejection towards behaviorist approaches early 1980s helps to encourage discovery learning.
  9. In communicative CALL, learners engage in the construction of new knowledge by engaging in problem solving activities.
    1. The computer is now just the pupil.  It is often associated w/ learner-centered approach
    2. The communicative approach emphasized discovery learning where the focus was on the use of the forms rather than on the forms themselves.
    3. Grammar was taught implicitly and students were encouraged to produce their own utterances.  

The Role of CALL in Different Frameworks 

Cognitive/ Communicative

Sociocognitive / Integrative

What is the principle role of CALL ?

To provide unlimited drill, practice,
tutorial explanation and corrective feedback

To provide language input & analytic and inferential tasks.

To provide alternative contexts for social interactions; to facilitate access to existing discourse communities and the creation of new ones.